TFSP present: Half Term Takeover – Everything Aside + Supports

7:30 pm - 11:00 pm
£6 advance
The Future Sound Project are taking over your half term plans with a run of shows bringing the freshest sounds to the best venues.
Friday’s show at The Tin Music and Arts is headlined by EVERYTHING ASIDE
Everything Aside are an indie pop 3 piece from Coventry, UK. Originating as an alt rock band for several years, the band have recently parted ways with their heavier pop punk roots and are currently at the beginning of their journey writing music similar to the likes of Fickle Friends, Pale Waves & Orchards. The band are currently working on writing and recording a whole new direction for EA and are excited for what the future has in store for them.
instagram – @everythingasideuk
twitter – @thisisea
Parade –
Beautiful Little Fools – Instagram: (@weareblf)
Facebook: (Beautiful Little Fools)
YNES – @ynesmusic /
The Five O Five’s – @thefiveofives
14+ (under 18’s must be accompanied by Adult)
The Tin At The Coal Vaults