Random String: Graham Dunning: Mechanical Techno Show support from Swoomp Theeng

8:30 pm - 11:00 pm
£7.00 adv/ £10.00 door

This Event is Part of Random String Festival, Coventry 16-18 November.
Find out more about the festival here.

Graham Dunning: Mechanical Techno With Special Guests Swoomp Theeng

Tickets: £7.00 adv/ £10.00 door

Doors open 8.00pm for 8.30pm start.

In Mechanical Techno, several looping records spin on the same axle, layering up locked groove records, audio triggers to analogue synths, mechanically played percussion and mechanically triggered drum machines.

“If the trend in recent dance music has been to artfully engineer a certain wonkiness into an otherwise strict digital framework, Dunning has found the appeal of the precise reverse: struggling to maintain grid-like rigidity in a system inherently antagonistic to it.” – Wire Magazine, August 2015

Graham Dunning is self-taught as an artist and musician having studied neither discipline academically. His live work explores sound as texture, timbre and something tactile, drawing on bedroom production, tinkering and recycling found objects.

The Tin At The Coal Vaults
