Deliluh + Lucifer Sky
8:00 pm - 11:00 pm
£10 Advance/ £12 Door
Tickets: £10 Adv/£12 door
Doors: 7.30pm
Ages: 14+ (under 18s to be accompanied by an adult)
Learning about what Deliluh has been through these past two years brought the commands on a cassette player to mind: press rewind, forward, play and eject. The band, now a duo of Kyle Knapp and Julius Pedersen, relocated to Europe from their Toronto base with the ambition to plug into a continent that felt more cohesive in terms of a gig circuit and to map new spaces, both terrestrial and spiritual. This bold move came with a number of adjustments.The first was a new touring line-up, following the decision of Erika Wharton-Shukster and Erik Jude to stay in Canada. The second was dealing with the cosmic headfuck of a deadly global pandemic that put a stop to most things outside of staying alive. Looking back, Kyle Knapp sees the process as “somewhat of a crash course in survival and keeping calm. Overall it’s taught us a lot about what we want to accomplish, both in the present and the long term.”
The new record, Fault Lines, which is rele ased onJune 10th on Tin Angel Records, is the result.
Support from Coventry’s own Lucifer Sky –
The Tin At The Coal Vaults